The University of Western Ontario
The Economics Newsletter
  May 6, 2011 Editor: Sharon Phillips  

Upcoming Workshops

There are no workshops scheduled for next week.

News and Announcements

Undergraduate Exams, Midterms and Assignments - Retention and File Copies

A reminder for undergraduate courses that final exams, midterms, assignments, etc. must be kept for eight months from the end of the course. That means nothing can be thrown out from September 1, 2010 onwards. If you have exams and such older than this, please give them to Jeremy and he will look after disposing of them properly. You should not put old exams, etc. in recycling bins as it should be considered confidential. If you have any questions or concerns, please see Jeremy.

The Department must have file copies of all exams as well as copies of anything that is required for assessment such as assignments. Please ensure that either Jeremy or your secretary receives copies for filing, especially those that are leaving, retiring or going on sabbatical.

Undergraduate Grades and Appeals

This is a reminder to faculty to please respond to enquiries from students about grades. Faculty who are going to be away for a period of time, should let Jeremy know who is handling enquiries/appeal. By not responding, it generates appeals, and the Undergraduate Office does not want to deal with appeals unnecessarily.

UM-MSU-UWO Annual Labor Day Conference

Sponsored by the CIBC Centre for Human Capital and Productivity, Western Economics will host the annual UM-MSU-UWO Labor Day Conference on Wednesday, May 18, 2011. This is a one-day conference with faculty and graduate students speakers from each of the three universities. The conference is open to faculty, post-docs and graduate students at the University of Western Ontario, the University of Michigan and Michigan State University.

MACRÓPOLIS First Seminar in Austrian and Heterodox Economics - Call for Papers

The Research Group in Macroeconomics and Economic Policy (MACRÓPOLIS) will hold the First Seminar in Austrian and Heterodox Economics at the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, in Bogota, August 8-11, 2011. Undergraduate and graduate students, professors and professionals are invited to submit Austrian and Heterodox papers, both theoretical and empirical, on the following topics: Business Cycles Theory; Methodology and Epistemology in Economics; Economic Policy; Modern Theory of the Firm; Entrepreneurship Theory; Monetary Policy and Theory; Macroeconomics History; History of Economic Thought; Economic Development. The deadline for submission of abstracts is June 10, 2011.

Research Notices

*Please submit a hard copy of all research grant applications, internal and external, to Karin for review and subsequent Chair signature prior to electronically submitting your applications.

**The newly enhanced Research On-line Administration (ROLA II) is now available and must be filled out by all grant applicants to obtain institutional approvals for their grant applications. Please see Karin if you need assistance.

Funding Announcements