Mathematical tools for intermediate economics classes
Iftekher Hossain

Simultaneous Equations

Section 4

Practise questions

Question 1

Equilibrium in the market for a good occurs at the price \((P)\) at which the quantity supplied \((Q_s)\) and the quantity demanded \((Q_s)\) are equal, that is, when \(Q_s=Q_d\). Find the equilibrium price and quantity for the following market: $$Q_{s} = -45 + 8P$$ $$Q_{d} = 125 - 2P$$

Market equilibrium requires \(Q_s=Q_d\): $$-45 + 8P = 125 - 2P$$ $$10P = 170$$ $$\;\; P = 17$$ Substitute \(P=17\) in the supply function (or, in the demand function): $$Q = -45 + 8(17)$$ $$Q = -45 + 136 \;\;$$ $$Q = 91 \qquad\qquad$$ The equilibrium price and quantity are \(17\) and \(91\), respectively.

Figure 6

Figure 6

Question 2

Suppose that the demand function is $$Q_{d} = 400 - 40P + 5I$$ Where \(I\) is the average income per person.
Further, suppose that the supply function is $$Q_{s} = -400 + 50P$$ What is the market equilibrium quantity when \(I=20\)?

When \(I = 20\) $$Q_{d} = 400 - 40P + 5(20)$$ $$Q_{d} = 500 - 40P \qquad\quad\;$$ Market equilibrium requires that the quantity demanded and the quantity supplied are equal: $$Q_{d} = Q_{s}$$ $$\;\;\; 500 - 40P = -400 + 50P$$ $$90P = 900$$ $$P = 10$$ Substitute \(P=10\) in the supply equation: $$Q_{s} = -400 + 50P$$ $$\quad Q_{s} = -400 + 50(10)$$ $$Q_{s} = 100 \qquad\quad\;\;\;$$ Equilibrium quantity is: $$Q = 100$$

Question 3

Given \(Y=C+I+G,  C=135+0.8 Y,  I=75\) and \(G=30\). Find the equilibrium level of income.

$$Y = C + I + G$$ Substitute for \(C\) $$Y = 135 + 0.8Y + I + G$$ Substitute for \(I\) and \(G\) $$Y = 135 + 0.8Y + 75 + 30$$ Solving for \(Y\) $$Y - 0.8Y = 240$$ $$Y(1 - 0.8) = 240$$ $$0.2Y = 240$$ $$Y = \frac{240}{0.2} = 1200$$ Equilibrium income is $$Y = 1200$$

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UWO Economics Math Resources by Mohammed Iftekher Hossain is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.