Mathematical tools for intermediate economics classes
Iftekher Hossain

Table of Contents

The Number Line, Cartesian Plane, and Sketching Graphs

  1. Number line

  2. Numbers in a number line

  3. Some number lines

  4. Test yourself 1: understanding the number line

  5. The coordinate system, Cartesian plane, and Euclidian 2-space

  6. Ordered pair

  7. Test yourself 2: sketching ordered pairs

  8. Test yourself 3: sketching ordered pairs

  9. Test yourself 4: sketching ordered pairs

  10. Intervals, interior points, boundary points

  11. Functions

  12. Test yourself 5: sketching the linear function using the ordered pairs

  13. Test yourself 6: sketching the linear function using the ordered pairs

  14. Test yourself 7: sketching the linear function using the ordered pairs

  15. Test yourself 8: understanding the rules corresponding to the functions

  16. Recommended Books

These resources do not aim to provide a complete list of examples of the math skills required to do well in the intermediate economics classes. All sections in this chapter may not be relevant for a specific course. These resources cover some basic mathematical tools used in economics with some examples and practice questions. There is a list of books at the end. These books discuss these topics in more details.

We welcome comments and suggestions. Please email Iftekher Hossain ( to let us know of errors and suggestions. The document is copyrighted. Please do not reproduce or publish any part of the document without prior written permission from the Department of Economics, University of Western Ontario.

We are grateful to Professor Audra Bowlus for her initiatives developing these resources, guidance, and suggestions. We want to thank Greg Pavlov for his valuable time and detailed notes on various topics.

Many thanks to Alexandra Houston for her very significant contribution to preparing the website. We are grateful to Stephen Amey and Abul Hasem for the technical support. Sincere thanks to Social Science Technology Services for developing the programs and web materials for the site.

Why the Romans did not find algebra very challenging?
Because X was always 10!!

Dear Calculus, do not ask me to find your X, I don't know where she is!!

Creative Commons License
UWO Economics Math Resources by Mohammed Iftekher Hossain is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.