Igor Livshits
Associate Professor - On Leave July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018
Ph.D. University of Minnesota, 2002
Research Interests
Macroeconomic Theory; Consumer Credit; Bankruptcy: Sovereign Debt; Political Economy; Economic Growth and Development
Teaching Fields
Macroeconomics; Research Seminar
Representative Publications
"Screening as a Unified Theory of Delinquency, Renegotiation, and Bankruptcy," forthcoming, International Economic Review (with Natalia Kovrijnykh).
"The Democratization of Credit and the Rise in Consumer Bankruptcies," Review of Economic Studies, (2016), 83:4: 1673-1710 (with James MacGee and Michèle Tertilt).
"Recent Developments in Consumer Credit and Default Literature," Journal of Economic Surveys 29 (4): 594-613.
"Accounting for the Rise in Consumer Bankruptcies," American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, (2010), 2(2): 165-193, with James MacGee and Michèle Tertilt
"Uncertainty and the Specificity of Human Capital," Journal of Economic Theory, (2008), 143, 469-498 (with Martin Gervais and Césaire Meh).
"Consumer Bankruptcy: A Fresh Start," American Economic Review, (2007), 97/1, 402-418 (with James MacGee and Michèle Tertilt).
"Vested Interests and Technology Adoption," Journal of Monetary Economics, (2007), 54, 649-666 (with Benjamin Bridgman and James MacGee).
"On Non-Existence of Pure Strategy Markov Perfect Equilibrium," Economics Letters, (2002), 76/3, 393-396.
Working Papers
"Aggregate Fluctuations, Consumer Credit and Bankruptcy," November 16, 2016 (with David Fieldhouse and James MacGee)
"Sovereign Default and Political Turnover," December 19, 2014 (with Toan Phan and Christoph Trebesch)
"Income Loss and Bankruptcies Over the Business Cycle," October 26, 2012 (with David Fieldhouse and James MacGee)
"Costly Contracts and Consumer Credit," September 2011 (with James MacGee and Michèle Tertilt).
"Greed as a Source of Polarization," November 2009 (with Mark Wright).
"Sovereign Default and Banking," October, 2009 (with Koen Schoors).
"Barriers to Technology Adoption and Entry," July 2006 (with James MacGee).
"Consumer Bankruptcy: A Fresh Start," Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis Working Paper 617, 2003 (with James MacGee and Michèle Tertilt).
"For Sale: Barriers to Riches," EPRI Working paper 2004-3 (with Benjamin Bridgman and James MacGee).
"Variance Aversion in the Small and the Large," April 2003.