Political Economy I
ECON 3363F-001
ECON 9501A-001
Managerial Economics
ECON 2129B-001
Industrial Organization I
ECON 3364B-001
Al Slivinski
Associate Professor
Ph.D. Purdue University, 1980

Office: SSC 4164
Telephone: 519-661-2111 Ext. 85294
Fax: 519-661-3666
Research Interests
Models of Political Elections; The Economics of Nonprofit Organizations
Teaching Fields
Microeconomics; Public Finance
Representative Publications
"Economic Efficiency of Federal Provision of Scientific Information and Support for Science Research in Canada," forthcoming Canadian Public Policy, with Jim Davies.
Can Private Giving Promote Economic Segregation?, Journal of Public Economics, (2007), with Ig Horstmann and Kimberly Scharf.
"Nonprofit Oreganizations and the Market," Chapter 6 of The Non-Profit Sector: A Research Handbook, 2nd Ed., W.W. Powell and R. Steinberg eds., Yale University Press, New Haven and London (2006), with Eleanor Brown.
"Rational Nonprofit Entrepreneurship" (Chapter 7). In The Economics of Nonprofit Enterprises. 1st ed. R. Steinberg. The International Library of Critical Writing in Economics; 181. Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited. 135-155 (2004), with M. Bilodeau. Reprinted from Journal of Economics and Management Strategy 7 (4): 551-571.
"Rival Charities" (Chapter 8). In The Economics of Nonprofit Enterprises. 1st ed. R. Steinberg. The International Library of Critical Writing in Economics; 181. Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited. 156-174 (2004), with M. Bilodeau. Reprinted from Journal of Public Economics 66 (3): 449-467.
"Team Incentives and Organizational Structure," The Journal of Public Economic Theory, 4: 185-206 (2002).
Research Papers
Tax Administration and Compliance: Evidence from Medieval Paris, with Nathan Sussman.
The Public Economics of Forecasting and Insurance, with James B. Davies.