John Whalley, FRSC
Professor Emeritus
Director, China Research and Policy Group (CRPG)
Distinguished Fellow, Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI)
Hellmuth Prize for Achievement in Research
2012 Killam Prize Winner
Ph.D. Yale University, 1973

Office: SSC 4021
Telephone: 519-661-2111 Ext. 85386
Fax: 519-661-3666
Research Interests
General Equilibrium; Trade; Public Finance; Taxes; China and the Asian Economies; Environmental Economics (Climate Change)
Teaching Fields
General Equilibrium; Public Finance; Development; International Trade
Representative Publications
"Foreign Affiliate Sales and the Measurement of Trade in Both Goods and Services," China Economic Review, forthcoming, with C. Li and C. Yan."Developing Countries and the UNFCCC Process: Some Simulations from an Armington Extended Climate Model," Climate Change Economics, forthcoming, with H. Tian.
"Unilateral Emissions Mitigation, Spillovers and Global Learning," Climate Change Economics 5 (3). pp 16 (2014), with S. Chatterji, S and S. Ghosal.
"The Possibilities for Global Inequality and Poverty Reduction Using Revenues from Global Carbon Pricing," Journal of Economic Inequality 12: 363-391 (2014), with J. B. Davies and X. Shi.
"China’s Higher Education Expansion and Unemployment of College Graduates," China Economic Review 30: 567-582 (2014), with S. Li and C. Xing.
"The Golden Tax Project, Value-Added Tax Statistics, and the Analysis of Internal Trade in China," China Economic Review 30: 448-458 (2014), with W. Xing.
"China’s Service Trade," Journal of Economic Surveys 28 (4): 746-774 (2014), with H. Chen H.
"China and the Trans‐Pacific Partnership: A Numerical Simulation Assessment of the Effects Involved," World Economy 37 (2): 169-192 (2014), with C. Li.