Economics of Air Transportation
ECON 2166F-001
Economic Policy I
ECON 2288F-001
Economic Analysis of Law: Property Rights and Contracts
ECON 2176G-001
Economics and Law I
ECON 3366B-001
Tai-Yeong Chung
Associate Professor
Ph.D. Northwestern University, 1990

Office: SSC 4079
Telephone: 519-661-2111 Ext. 85512
Fax: 519-661-3666
Research Interests
Economic Analysis of Law; Contract Theory
Teaching Fields
Industrial Organization; Law and Economics; Microeconomic Policy
Representative Publications
"Contract Damages and Cooperative Investments," RAND Journal of Economics, 84-105 (1999), with Yeon-Koo Che.
"Commitment Through Specific Investment in Contractual Relationships," Canadian Journal of Economics, 1057-1075 (1998).
"Settlement of Litigation Under Rule 68: An Economic Analysis," Journal of Legal Studies," 261-286 (1996).