Western Economics Society

The Western Economics Society (WES) is the official undergraduate student club affiliated with the Department of Economics. WES aims to provide students with enriching experiences that foster a culture of learning and community.

Follow the WES Instagram page and WES Facebook page for updates on upcoming events! To contact the WES executive team, please email westerneconsociety@gmail.com.

Western Economics Society

WES Intent to Register (ITR) Event
February 27
4 - 6 PM

 Speaker standing at front of classroom addressing and speaking to students in room

The Western Economic Society (WES) hosted an informative session for first and second-year Western University students on the Intent to Register (ITR) process and the various economics modules and programs available. Snacks and refreshments were also provided!

Approximately 30 students from different years of study attended the event. WES President Kaan Alpli welcomed the guests and participants. The session featured distinguished speakers, including Professors Shahed Khan, Phuong Vu, and Iftekher Hossain, along with Economics Undergraduate Coordinator Roma MacFarlane and UWO Academic Counseling members Kelly Callahan and Maureen O’Connell.

Kelly Callahan provided an insightful presentation on the ITR process, which students found highly informative and helpful. Following the presentation, students engaged in discussions with Roma MacFarlane and faculty members about different economics modules and their specific requirements.

Wes Grad Night
Join WES for a walkthrough of the process of applying to graduate programs in Economics!
November 4th
6:30 - 8 pm
UCC 56

Grad Night 2023
Featuring Charles Saunders and Chelsea Boudreau
Tuesday, October 17th, 5:00 pm

Economics Policy Case Competition
Mid-January 2023

Coding Bootcamp
Early February 2023

Grad Night + Career Night
Early October 2022

Fall Panel
Early November 2022