
Lance Lochner among winners of the 2014 Harry Johnson Prize: Best article published in the Canadian Journal of Economics in 2014
Western Economics faculty members are involved in innovative and transformational economic research. Our breadth of research areas covers microeconomics, macroeconomics, econometrics, labour economics, public finance, political economy, development economics, industrial organization, education, family economics, economics of China, international trade, financial economics and econometrics, crime and public economics. Our research is published widely as can be seen in the list of Faculty Publications and has received wide acclaim and numerous Awards. Researchers have active agendas with their work being supported by External Funding, being presented at national and international conferences and being translated in knowledge that can be mobilized for private firms and public policy makers. Through their Working Paper Series, Institutes and Centres support and help disseminate research under various themes. We also have a lively Workshop Program through which faculty and visitors present their research in a number of specialized seminar series. Western Economics also hosts a variety of Conferences throughout the year.
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