Peter Streufert
Associate Professor
Ph.D. Stanford University, 1985

Office: SSC 4040
Telephone: 519-661-3500 x89579
Fax: 519-661-3666
Research Interests
Game Theory; Dynamic Optimization
Teaching Fields
Economic Theory
Representative Publications (all open-access)
"Specifying a Game-Theoretic Extensive Form as an Abstract 5-ary Relation", accepted for publication in the International Journal of Game Theory, preprint in arXiv:2107.10801 [econ.TH], 51 pages.
"The Category of Node-and-Choice Forms, with Subcategories for Choice-Sequence Forms and Choice-Set Forms”, in Nonclassical Logics and Their Applications, Logic in Asia: Studia Logica Library, edited by S. Ju, A. Palmigiano, and M. Ma, Springer, pages 15-66 (January 2020). DOI 10.1007/978-981-15-1342-8_2.
"Equivalences among Five Game Specifications, including a New Specification whose Nodes are Sets of Past Choices”, International Journal of Game Theory, 48: 1-32 (March 2019). DOI 10.1007/s00182-018-0652-8.
"The Category of Node-and-Choice Preforms for Extensive-Form Games", Studia Logica (Special Issue: Logics for Social Behaviour), 106: 1001-1064 (September 2018). DOI 10.1007/s11225-017-9767-3.
"An Elementary Proof that Additive I-Likelihood Characterizes the Supports of Consistent Assessments," Journal of Mathematical Economics 59: 37-46 (August 2015).
Working Papers
"Dynamic Programming for Pure-Strategy Subgame Perfection in an Arbitrary Game," Western University, Department of Economics Research Report Series 2023-3, 55 pages (February 2023). Also arXiv:2302.03855.
"A Category for Extensive-Form Games", Western University, Department of Economics Research Report Series 2021-2, 60 pages (May 2021). Also arXiv 2105.11398. Supersedes arXiv 2004.11196 (immediately below).
“The Category of Node-and-Choice Extensive-Form Games", Western University, Department of Economics Research Report Series 2020-4, 47 pages (April 2020). Also arXiv 2004.11196.
"Specifying Nodes as Sets of Choices" (September 2015)
"Concisely Specifying Choices in an Outcome-Set Form" (September 2015)
"Choice-Set Forms are Dual to Outcome-Set Forms" (September 2015)
"Characterizing Consistency with Monomials" (June 2007).
"Products of Several Relative Probabilities" (2006)
"Characterizing Consistency by Monomials and by Product Dispersions" (2006)
"A Comment on 'Sequential Equilibria'" (2006)
Link to Superceded Working Papers