Labour Economics - Theory
ECON 2155A-001
Labour Economics I
ECON 3344A-001
Labour Economics I - Human Capital, Wages & Employment
ECON 9640B-001
Chris Robinson
Professor Emeritus and Adjunct Research Professor
Ph.D. University of Chicago, 1977

Office: SSC 4158
Telephone: 519-661-2111 Ext. 85047
Fax: 519-661-3666
Research Interests
Human Capital, Productivity, Migration, Self-employment
Teaching Fields
Labour Economics
Representative Publications
"Human Capital Prices, Productivity and Growth," American Economic Review 102, 3483-3515 (2012), with A. Bowlus.
"Human Capital Specificity: Evidence from the Dictionary of Occupational Titles and Displaced Worker Surveys 1984-2000," Journal of Labor Economics 26, 387-420 (2008).
"Business Cycle Models, Aggregation and Real Wage Cyclicality," Journal of Labor Economics, 308-335 (2002), with A. Bowlus and H. Liu.
"The Joint Determination of Union Status and Union Wage Effects: Some Tests of Alternative Models," Journal of Political Economy 97, 639-667 (1989).
Working Papers
"Occupational Mobility, Occupation Distance, and Specific Human Capital," CIBC Human Capital and Productivity Working Paper #2011-5, University of Western Ontario, August 2011.
"Immigrant Job Search Assimilation in Canada," CIBC Human Capital and Productivity Working Paper #2013-6, University of Western Ontario, November 2013.
The Contribution of Post-Secondary Education to Human Capital Stocks in Canada and the United States, with A. Bowlus (2005).