Western University EconomicsWestern Social Science

Alumni Publications

Selected Publications of Recent Graduate Students: 2003-2013

ARIIZUMI, Hideki, PhD 2006

"Teen Families, Welfare Transfers, and the Minimum Wage: Evidence from Canada." 2013. Canadian Journal of Economics 46: 338-360. (with Sen Anindya)

"Do Changes In Cigarette Taxes Impact Youth Smoking? Evidence from Canadian Provinces." 2010. Forum for Health Economics & Policy 13: Iss. 2 (Smoking), Article 12.

"Effect of Public Long-Term Care Insurance on Consumption, Medical Care Demand, and Welfare." 2008. Journal of Health Economics 27: 1423-1435.

AYDEMIR, Abdurrahmann, PhD 2003

"Immigrant Selection and Short-Term Labor Market Outcomes by Visa Category." 2009. Journal of Population Economics 24: 451-475.

"Intergenerational Earnings Mobility among the Children of Canadian Immigrants." 2009. Review of Economics and Statistics 91: 377-397. (with Miles Corak and Wen-Hao Chen

"Global Labour Markets, Return and Onward Migration." 2008. Canadian Journal of Economics 41: 1285-1311. (with Chris Robinson)

"The Immigrant Wage Differential Within and Across Establishments." 2008. Industrial and Labor Relations Review 61: 334-352. (with Mikal Skuterud)

"First and Second Generation Immigrant Educational Attainment and Labour Market Outcomes: A Comparison of the United States and Canada." 2007. Research in Labor Economics / Immigration – Trends, Consequences and Prospects for the United States 27: 215-270. (with Arthur Sweetman)

"Cross-Country Variation in the Impact of International Migration: Canada, Mexico, and the United States." 2007. Journal of the European Economic Association 5: 663-708. (with George Borjas)

"Volatility Modelling and Forecasting in Finance." 2007.  In Forecasting Volatility in the Financial Markets, 3/e., ed. John Knight and Stephen Satchell, 1-46.  Oxford, UK; Burlington, MA: Butterworth-Heinemann. (with Linlan Xiao)

"Explaining the Deteriorating Entry Earnings of Canada’s Immigrant Cohorts: 1966-2000." 2005. Canadian Journal of Economics 38: 641-671. (with Mikal Skuterud)

"Effects of Business Cycles on the Labour Market Participation and Employment Rate Assimilation of Immigrants." 2003.  In Canadian Immigration Policy for the 21st Century, ed. Charles Beach, Alan Green, and Jeffrey Reitz, 372-412.  Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press.

Essays on the Repeat Use of Unemployment Insurance. 2001. Canada. Human Resources Development Canada (HRDC); Social Research and Demonstration Corporation (SRDC) – Ottawa: Social Research and Demonstration Corporation. (co-editor with Saul Schwartz)


"Lessening the Competition in Mergers Under the Competition Act: Unilateral and Interdependence Effects." 2000. The Canadian Business Law Journal 33: 373-426. (with Thomas W. Ross)

BELLEY, Philippe, PhD 2011

"Post-Secondary Attendance by Parental Income in the U.S. and Canada: What Role for Financial Aid Policy?" Canadian Journal of Economics, forthcoming. (with Marc Frenette and Lance Lochner)

"The Changing Role of Family Income and Ability in Determining Educational Achievement." 2007. Journal of Human Capital 1: 37-89. (with Lance Lochner)

BENNETT, Chris, PhD 2008

"Inference for Dominance Relations." International Economic Review, forthcoming.

"Estimating Optimal Decision Rules in the Presence of Model Parameter Uncertainty." 2013. Journal of Financial Econometrics 11: 47-75.

"Examining the Distributional Treatment Effects of Military Service on Earnings: A Test of Initial Dominance." 2013. Journal of Business and Economic Statistics 31:1-15. (with R. Zitikis)

"Multidimensional Poverty: Measurement, Estimation, and Inference." 2013. Econometric Reviews 32: 57-83. (with Shabana Mitra)

CAPONI, Vincenzo, PhD 2007

"Intergenerational Transmission of Abilities and Self Selection of Mexican Immigrants." 2011. International Economic Review 52: 523-547.

"The Impact of Aggregate and Sectoral Fluctuations on Training Decisions." 2010. B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics 10: Iss. 1 (Advances), Article 28. (with Burc Kayahan and Miana Plesca). Awarded the Kenneth J. Arrow Prize for Junior Economists in 2010.

"Heterogeneous Human Capital and Migration: Who Migrates from Mexico to the U.S.?" 2010. Annals of Economics and Statistics 97/98: 207-234.

"Post-Secondary Education in Canada: Can Ability Bias Explain the Earnings Gap Between College and University Graduates?" 2009. Canadian Journal of Economics 42: 1100-1132. (with Miana Plesca)

CHAN, Alan T.Y., PhD 2005

"Church Donation and Attendance: An Empirical Study of Atlantic Baptists." Journal of Baptist Studies, forthcoming. (with Bruce Fawcett and S. K. Lee)

"Holistic Struggles, Judgmental Behaviors in the Work Place: An Empirical Study of Hong Kong Christians." 2010. Journal of Biblical Integration in Business 13: 46-70. (with S.K. Lee and W.M. Yeung)

"Does Price Really Converge among Provinces in Canada? A Study Using Unit Root Tests for Cross-Sectional Panels." 2010. Journal of US-China Public Administration 7: 47-55. (with S. K. Lee, Robert MacDonald and K. Y. Woo)

"Microeconomic Applications to the Bible: An Extension to Stamm’s Arguments in 2001." 2009. Christian Business Academic Review IV: 34-40.

"Christ and Business Culture: Another Classification of Christians in Workplaces According to an Empirical Study in Hong Kong." 2009. Journal of Markets and Morality 12: 91-111. (with Shu-kam Lee)

"Teaching Microeconomics Principles in Christian Universities: Toying [with] an Idea of a Microeconomics Text with Religious Applications." 2008. Association of Christian Economists Journal 39: 30-39.

CHIU, Jonathan, PhD 2005

"Central Bank Haircut Policy." 2011. Annals of Finance 7: 319-348. (with James Chapman and Miguel Molico).

"Financial Intermediation, Liquidity and Inflation." 2011. Macroeconomic Dynamics 15: 83-118. (with Cesaire Meh)

"Uncertainty, Welfare and Inflation." 2011. Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking 43: 487-512. (with Miguel Molico)

"Liquidity, Redistribution, and the Welfare Cost of Inflation." 2010. Journal of Monetary Economics 57: 428-438. (with Miguel Molico).

CLARK, Robert C., PhD 2003

"Collusion with Asymmetric Retailers: Evidence from a Gasoline Price-fixing Case in Canada." American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, forthcoming. (with Jean-François Houde)

"The Effect of Explicit Communication on Pricing: Evidence from the Collapse of a Gasoline Retail Cartel." Journal of Industrial Economics, forthcoming. (with Jean-François Houde)

"Capacity-Contingent Pricing and Competition in the Airline Industry." 2012. Journal of Air Transport Management 24: 7-11. (with Nicolas Vincent)

"Virtual Borders." 2012. Journal of International Economics 86: 327-335. (with Jean Boivin and Nicolas Vincent)

"Strategic Buying to Prevent Seller Exit." 2011. Journal of Economics and Management Strategy 20: 339-648. (with Mattias Polborn)

"Information Provision in Financial Markets." 2010. Annals of Finance 6: 255-286. (with Moez Bennouri and Jacques Robert)

"The Effect of Advertising on Brand Awareness and Perceived Quality: An Empirical Investigation Using Panel Data." 2009. Quantitative Marketing and Economics 7: 207-236. (with Ulrich Doraszelski and Michaela Draganska)

"Advertising Restrictions and Competition in the Children’s Breakfast Cereal Market." 2007. Journal of Law and Economics 50: 757-780.

"The Potential for Electricity Market Restructuring in Quebec." 2007. Canadian Public Policy 33: 1-19. (with Andrew Leach)

"Coordination and Status Power." 2006. Rationality and Society 18: 367-391. (with Mattias Polborn and Samuel Clark)

"Information and Crowding Externalities." 2006. Economic Theory 27: 565-581. (with Mattias Polborn)

"Advertising and Coordination in Markets with Consumption Scale Effects." 2005. Journal of Economics and Management Strategy 14: 377-401. (with Ig Horstmann)

CURRY, Philip A., PhD 2004

"Ticket Pricing and the Impression of Excess Demand." 2011. Economics Letters 111:40-42. (with Lutz-Alexander Busch)

"Deterrence in Rank-Order Tournaments." 2009. Review of Law and Economics 5: 723-740. (with Steeve Mongrain)

"What is a Criminal Organization and Why Does the Law Care?" 2009. Global Crime 10: 6-23. (with Steeve Mongrain)

"Crime, Punishment and Prejudice." 2009. Journal of Public Economics 93: 73-84. (with Tilman Klumpp)

"What You Don’t See Can’t Hurt You: An Economic Analysis of Morality Laws." 2008. Canadian Journal of Economics 41: 583-594. (with Steeve Mongrain)

"Creating Failures in the Market for Tax Planning." 2007. Virginia Tax Review 26: 943-969. (with Claire Hill and Francesco Parisi)

"Decision Making under Uncertainty and the Evolution of Interdependent Preferences." 2001. Journal of Economic Theory 98: 357-369.

GENG, Gary, PhD 2003

"Correlated Default Risk." 2006. Journal of Fixed Income 16: 7-32. (with Sanjiv R. Das, Laurence Freed, and Nikunj Kapadia)

"Correlated Default Processes: A Criterion-Based Copula Approach." 2006. In The Credit Market Handbook: Advanced Modeling Issues, ed. Gifford Fong, 186-216. (with Sanjiv R. Das) [Originally published in Journal of Investment Management 2(2) 2004: 44-70.]

"Bayesian Migration in Credit Ratings Based on Probabilities of Default." 2002. Journal of Fixed Income 12: 17-23. (with Sanjiv R. Das and Rong Fan)

"Impact of Correlated Default Risk on Credit Portfolios." 2001. Journal of Fixed Income 11: 9-19. (with Sanjiv R. Das and Gifford Fong)

"Simple Credit: Useful Things to Know about Correlated Default Risk." 2001. Extra Credit November - December, 14-23. (with Gifford Fong, Laurence Freed, and Nikunj Kapadia)

GREGOIRE, Philippe, PhD 2003

"The Incentives to Acquire Information." 2009. In Insider Trading: Global Developments and Analysis, ed. Paul U. Ali and Greg N. Gregoriou, chapter 18.  Boca Raton: CRC Press.

"Insider Trading and Voluntary Disclosure." 2008. International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance 11: 143-162.

"Informed Trading, Noise Trading and the Cost of Equity." 2008. International Review of Economics and Finance 17: 13-32.

"Manulife Financial and the John Hancock Financial Acquisition." 2007. Journal of the International Academy of Case Studies 13, Issue 1. (with Camillo Lento and Bryan Poulin)

"Managers’ Perceptions of Export Barriers: A Cross-Cultural Perspective of Service Firms." 2006.  Journal of Transnational Management 12: 51-68. (with David Smith and Mandy Lu)

"Imitation, Group Selection and Cooperation." 2003. International Game Theory Review 5: 229-247. (with Arthur Robson)

"Absolute and Relative Deprivation and the Measurement of Poverty." 2002. Review of Income and Wealth 48: 471-92. (with Jean-Yves Duclos)

HAJZLER, Christoper, PhD 2010

"Expropriation of Foreign Direct Investment: Sectoral Patterns from 1993 to 2006." 2012. Review of World Economics 148: 119-149.

"Market Stimulus and Distributive Justice: Evaluating the Effects of Market Access to Human Germ-Line Enhancement." 2010. Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 20: 161-179. (with G.K.D. Crozier)

"NIMBY Claims, Free-Riders and Universalizability." 2010. Ethics, Policy and Environment 13: 317-320. (with G.K.D. Crozier)

HUANG, Hui, PhD 2005

"The Form of Money Demand Function and the Welfare Costs of Inflation." 2012. Applied Economics 44: 1091-1092. (with John Whalley)

"Counter-Cyclic Substitution Effect between Trade Credit and Bank Credit." 2011. Journal of Banking and Finance 35: 1859-1878. (with Xiaojun Shi and Shunming Zhang)

"The Distorted Theory of Rank-Dependent Expected Utility." 2011. Annals of Economics and Finance 12: 233-263. (with Shunming Zhang)

"Exploring Policy Options in Joint Intertemporal-Spacial Trade Models Using an Incomplete Markets Approach." 2009. Economic Theory 41: 131-145. (with John Whalley and Shunming Zhang)

"Infrastructure, Commodity Spectra, and Trade Transitions in Economic Development." 2009. Global Economy Journal 9: Iss. 2, Article 3. (with Roger J. Bowden)

"Baumol-Tobin and the Welfare Costs of National Security Border Delays." 2008. Economics Letters 99: 290-292. (with John Whalley)

"Risk Aversion, Mandatory Disclosure and the Concealment of Information." 2008. Economics Letters 99: 2-9.

"Informed Trading, Noise Trading and the Cost of Equity." 2008. International Review of Economics and Finance 17: 13-32. (with Philippe Gregoire)

"Asset Pricing under Progressive Taxes and Existence of General Equilibrium." 2005. Journal of Global Optimization 31: 471-491.

HUI, Taylor Shek-wai, PhD 2005

Learning to Save, Saving to Learn:  Final Report of the learn$ave Individual Development Accounts Project. 2010. Canada. Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC); Social Research and Demonstration Corporation (SRDC) – Ottawa: Social Research and Demonstration Corporation. (with Norm Leckie, Doug Tattrie, Jennifer Robson, and Jean-Pierre Voyer)

Learning to Save, Saving to Learn: Intermediate Impacts of the learn$ave Individual Development Accounts Project. 2009. Canada. Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC); Social Research and Demonstration Corporation (SRDC) – Ottawa: Social Research and Demonstration Corporation. (with Norm Leckie, Doug Tattrie, and Hongmei Cao)

Encouraging Work and Supporting Communities: Final Results of the Community Employment Innovation Project (CEIP). 2008. Canada. Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC); Social Research and Demonstration Corporation (SRDC) – Ottawa: Social Research and Demonstration Corporation. (with David Gyarmati, Shawn de Raaf, Boris Palameta, and Claudia Nicholson)

Engaging Communities in Support of Local Development:  Measuring the Effects of the Community Employment Innovation Project on Communities (CEIP).  2008. Canada. Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC); Social Research and Demonstration Corporation (SRDC) – Ottawa: Social Research and Demonstration Corporation. (with David Gyarmati, Shawn de Raaf, Boris Palameta, Claudia Nicholson, Darrell Kyte, and Melanie MacInnis)

Improving Skills, Networks, and Livelihoods through Community-Based Work: Three Year Impacts of the Community Employment Innovation Project (CEIP).  2007.  Canada. Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC); Social Research and Demonstration Corporation (SRDC) – Ottawa: Social Research and Demonstration Corporation. (with David Gyarmati, Shawn de Raaf, Claudia Nicholson, Boris Palameta, and Melanie MacInnis)

IVANENKO, Vlad, PhD 2003

"Russia’s Positioning Amid Global Uncertainty." 2010. Russia in Global Affairs No. 1 January – March: 163-173.

"Russian Energy Policy and its Domestic and Foreign Implications." 2008. International Journal 63: 263-274.

"Russia’s Search for a Place in Global Trading." 2007. Russia in Global Affairs No. 2 April – June 2007.

"Russian Global Position After 2008." 2007.  Russia in Global Affairs 5: 143-156.

"The Kremlin at the G8’s Helm: Choosing the Right Steps." 2006. Russia in Global Affairs 4: 22-31.

"The Statutory Tax Burden and its Avoidance in Transitional Russia." 2005.  Europe-Asia Studies 57: 1021-1045.

"The Importance of Being Normal." 2005. Russia in Global Affairs 3: 69-82.

"Searching for Value-Subtraction in the Russian Economy." 2004. Journal of Comparative Economics 32: 88-104.

"Access to Liquidity and Non-monetary Trade in Russia." 2004. Post-Communist Economies 16: 21-38.

"On the Prospects for Foreign Direct Investments after Russia’s WTO Accession." 2003. Voprosy Ekonomiki 10 (Oct.2003): 27-33. (in Russian)

"Non-monetary Trade and Differential Access to Credit in Russian Transition." 2003. Problems of Economic Transition 45 (12): 6-57.

"The Role of Non-monetary Trade in Russian Transition." 2002. Post-Communist Economies 14: 405-419. (with Dmitry Mikheyev)

"On the Evolution of the Canadian Tax System." 2001. Banking Services. (in Russian)

"Washington Consensus vs. Whither Reform in Russian Perspective." 2000. Journal of Institutional Innovation, Development, and Transition 4: 97-103. (Slovenia)

KAMBOUROV, Gueorgui T., PhD 2004

"A Cautionary Note on Using (March) CPS and PSID Data to Study Worker Mobility." Macroeconomic Dynamics, forthcoming. (with Iourii Manovskii)

"Labour Market Regulations and the Sectoral Reallocation of Workers: The Case of Trade Reforms." 2009. Review of Economic Studies 76: 1321-1358.

"Occupational Mobility and Wage Inequality." 2009. Review of Economic Studies 76: 731-759. (with Iourii Manovskii)

"Occupational Specificity of Human Capital." 2009. International Economic Review 50: 63-115. (with Iourii Manovskii)

"Rising Occupational and Industry Mobility in the United States: 1968-1997." 2008. International Economic Review 49: 41-79. (with Iourii Manovskii)

"Families and Careers." 2008.  In Frontiers in Family Economics, Volume 1, ed. P. Rupert, 217-256. Bingley, UK:  Emerald Group Publishing Limited. (with Iourii Manovskii and Irina Telyukova)

KLUMPP, Tilman, PhD 2003

"A Theory of Perceived Discrimination." 2013. Economic Theory 53:153-180. (with Xuejuan Su)

"On Hatred." 2013. American Law and Economics Review 15: 39-72. (with Hugo M. Mialon)

"Second-order Statistical Discrimination." 2013. Journal of Public Economics 97: 108-116 (with Xuejuan Su).

"Finitely Repeated Voluntary Provision of a Public Good." 2012. Journal of Public Economic Theory 14: 547-572.

"Property Rights and Capitalism." 2012. In Oxford Handbook of Capitalism, ed. Dennis C. Mueller, 204-219. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press. (with Paul Rubin).

"Open Access and Dynamic Efficiency." 2010. American Economic Journal: Microeconomics 2: 64-96. (with Xuejuan Su)

"Two-Sided Matching with Spatially Differentiated Agents." 2009. Journal of Mathematical Economics 45: 376-390.

"Crime, Punishment, and Prejudice." 2009. Journal of Public Economics 93: 73-84. (with Phil Curry)

"Communication in Financial Markets with Several Informed Traders." 2007. Economic Theory 33: 437-456.

"Linear Learning in Changing Environments." 2006. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 30: 2577-2611.

"Primaries and the New Hampshire Effect." 2006. Journal of Public Economics 90: 1073-1114. (with Mattias Polborn)

"Early Round Upsets and Championship Blowouts." 2005. Economic Inquiry 43: 316-329. (with Rick Harbaugh)

"Perfect Equilibrium and Lexicographic Beliefs." 2003. International Journal of Game Theory (30th Anniversary Special Issue) 31: 229-243. (with Srihari Govindan)

LI, Yao, PhD 2010

"The Higher Educational Transformation of China and Its Global Implications." 2011. World Economy 34: 516-545. (with John Whalley, Shunming Zhang, and Xiliang Zhao)

LO, Ingrid, PhD 2003

"Information Shocks, Liquidity Shocks, Jumps, and Price Discovery: Evidence from the U.S. Treasury Market." 2011.  Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 46:527-551. (with George J. Jiang and Adrien Verdelhan)

"Order Aggressiveness and Quantity: How Are They Determined in a Limit Order Market?" 2010. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money 20: 213-237. (with Stephen G. Sapp)

"The Submission of Limit Orders or Market Orders: The Role of Timing and Information in the Reuters D2000-2 System." 2008. Journal of International Money and Finance 27: 1056-1073. (with Stephen G. Sapp)

"Portfolio Formations Can Affect Asset Pricing Tests." 2004. Journal of Asset Management 5: 203-216.

MANOVSKII, Iourii, PhD 2005

"A Cautionary Note on Using (March) CPS and PSID Data to Study Worker Mobility." Macroeconomic Dynamics, forthcoming. (with Gueorgui Kambourov)

"Job Selection and Wages over the Business Cycle." 2013. American Economic Review 103: 771-803. (with Marcus Hagedorn)

"Productivity and the Labor Market: Co-Movement over the Business Cycle." 2011. International Economic Review 52: 603-619. (with Marcus Hagedorn)

"Occupational Mobility and Wage Inequality." 2009. Review of Economic Studies 76: 731-759. (with Gueorgui Kambourov)

"Occupational Specificity of Human Capital." 2009. International Economic Review 50: 63-115. (with Gueorgui Kambourov)

"The Cyclical Behavior of Equilibrium Unemployment and Vacancies Revisited." 2008. American Economic Review 98: 1692-1706. (with Marcus Hagedorn)

"Rising Occupational and Industry Mobility in the United States: 1968-1997." 2008. International Economic Review 49: 41-79. (with Gueorgui Kambourov)

"Families and Careers." 2008.  In Frontiers in Family Economics, Volume 1, ed. P. Rupert, 217-256.  Bingley, UK:  Emerald Group Publishing Limited. (with Gueorgui Kambourov and Irina Telyukova)

NG, Eric C.Y., PhD 2007

"Production Fragmentation and Business-Cycle Comovement." 2010.  Journal of International Economics 82: 1-14.

"Visas and Work Permits: Possible Global Negotiating Initiatives." 2008. Review of International Organizations 3: 259-285. (with John Whalley)

NING, Cathy, PhD 2006

"Dependence Structure between the Equity Market and the Foreign Exchange Market – A Copula Approach." 2010. Journal of International Money and Finance 29: 743-759.

"The Dependence Structure between the Canadian Stock Market and the USD/CAD Exchange Rate: A Copula Approach." 2010. Canadian Journal of Economics 43: 1016-1039. (with Leo Michelis)

"Extreme Return-Volume Dependence in East-Asian Stock Markets: A Copula Approach." 2009. Finance Research Letters 6: 202-209. (with Tony Wirjanto)

"Estimation of the Stochastic Conditional Duration Model via Alternative Methods." 2008. The Econometrics Journal 11: 573-592. (with John Knight)

"Modeling Leverage Effect with Copulas and Realized Volatility." 2008. Finance Research Letters 5: 573-592. (with Dinghai Xu and Tony Wirjanto)

PANDEY, Manish, PhD 2005

"Provincial Nominee Programs: An Evaluation of the Earnings and Settlement Rates of Nominees." Canadian Public Policy, forthcoming. (with James Townsend)

"Size-Dependent Labor Regulations and Structural Transformation in India." 2013. Economics Letters 119: 272–275. (with Wenbiao Cai)

"Gender and Labor Retrenchment in Chinese State Owned Enterprises: Investigation using firm level data," 2012. China Economic Review 23: 385–395. (with Xiao Yuan Dong)

"The Relationship between Trade Openness and Government Size: Does disaggregating government expenditure matter?" 2012. Journal of Macroeconomics 34: 239–252. (with Michael Benarroch)

"Quantifying the Effects of the Provincial Nominee Programs." 2011. Canadian Public Policy 37: 495-512. (with James Townsend)

"Cross Country Disparity in Agricultural Productivity: Quantifying the Role of Modern Seed Adoption." 2010. Journal of Development Studies 46: 1767-1785. (with Melanie O’Gorman)

"Comparison of Manufacturing Productivity between India and China: The Role of Institutional Change." 2009. China Economic Review 20: 754-766. (with Xiao-yuan Dong)

"Trade Openness, Structural Change and Total Factor Productivity." 2009. International Economic Journal 23: 545-560. (with Sohrab Abizadeh)

"Social Networks and Trade Liberalization." 2009. Applied Economics Letters 16: 1747-1749. (with John Whalley)

"The Impact of Liberalization on Bureaucratic Corruption." 2009. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 72: 214-224. (with Soham Baksi and Pinaki Bose)

"Human Capital Aggregation and Relative Wages Across Countries." 2008. Journal of Macroeconomics 30: 1587-1601.

"Trade Openness and Government Size." 2008. Economics Letters 101: 157-159. (with Michael Benarroch)

"Who Cares about Mortgage Interest Deductibility?" 2008. Canadian Public Policy 34: 1-23. (with Martin Gervais)

PLESCA, Miana, PhD 2005

"A General Equilibrium Evaluation of the U.S. Public Employment Service." 2010. Journal of Human Capital 4: 274-329.

"The Impact of Aggregate and Sectoral Fluctuations on Training Decisions." 2010. The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics 10: Iss. 1 (Advances), Article 28.  (with Vincenzo Caponi and Burc Kayahan)

"Post-Secondary Education in Canada: Can Ability Bias Explain the Earnings Gap Between College and University Graduates?" 2009. Canadian Journal of Economics 42: 1100-1131. (with Vincenzo Caponi)

"Evaluating Multi-Treatment Programs: Theory and Evidence from the U.S. Job Training Partnership Act Experiment." 2007. Empirical Economics 32: 491-528. (with Jeffrey Smith)

"Synthesis of Two Evaluation Studies of Labour Market Information Services Provided by HRDC." 2005. Published by HRSDC under “Summative Evaluation of HRSDC Labour Market Information Products and Services.” Canada. Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC).

"Profiling UI Claimants to Allocate Employment Services: Evidence and Recommendations for the States."  2003. U.S. Department of Labor (USDOL) Employment and Training Administration (ETA) Occasional Paper ETAOP2003-2. (with Dan Black, Jeffrey Smith, and Suzanne Plourde)

POLETAEV, Maxim, PhD 2008

"Human Capital Specificity: Evidence from the Dictionary of Occupational Titles and Displaced Worker Surveys 1984-2000." 2008. Journal of Labor Economics 26: 387-420. (with Chris Robinson)  Awarded the H. Gregg Lewis Prize for the best paper in the Journal of Labor Economics in 2008 and 2009.

SUZUKI, Michio, PhD 2008

"Consumption, Income, and Wealth Inequality in Canada." 2010. Review of Economic Dynamics 13: 52-75. (with M. Brzozowski, M. Gervais, and P. Klein)

VOIA, Marcel-Christian, PhD 2005

"Do Canadian Business Cycle Peaks Predict Federal Election Calls?" 2013. European Journal of Political Economy 29: 102–118. (with Stephen Ferris)

"Duration of New Firms: The Role of Startup Financial Conditions, Industry and Aggregate Factors." 2012. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics 23: 354-362. (with Kim Huynh and Robert Petrunia)

"Initial Financial Conditions, Unobserved Heterogeneity, and the Duration of New Firms." 2012. Managerial and Decision Economics 33: 109-125. (with Kim Huynh and Robert Petrunia)

"International Income Comparisons and Location Choice: Methodology, Analysis and Implications." 2012. Journal of Globalization and Development 3, Iss. 1, Article 1. (with Vivek Dehejia)

"What Are the Significant Determinants of Entrepreneurship?" 2012. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business 17: 415-454. (with J. Stephen Ferris) 

"A Retrospective Analysis of Employment Tenures: Evidence from the Latter Half of the Twentieth Century." 2011. Labour 25: 97–125. (with Luke Ignaczak)

"Does the Expectation or Realization of a Federal Election Precipitate Canadian Output Growth?" 2011. Canadian Journal of Economics 44: 107–132. (with Stephen Ferris)

"Functional Principal Component Analysis of Density Families with Categorical and Continuous Data on Canadian Entrant Manufacturing Firms." 2011. Journal of the American Statistical Association 106: 858-878. (with Kim Huynh, David T. Jacho-Chavez, and Robert Petrunia)

"Nonlinear Difference-in-Difference Treatment Effect Estimation: A Distributional Analysis." 2011. In Missing Data Methods: Cross-sectional Methods and Applications (Advances in Econometrics 27), ed. David M. Drukker, 247-268. Emerald Group Publishing Limited. (with Kim P. Huynh and David Tomas Jacho-Chavez).

"The Impact of Initial Financial State on Firm Duration Across Entry Cohorts." 2010. The Journal of Industrial Economics 58: 661-689. (with Kim P. Huynh and Robert J. Petrunia)

"Modeling the Contemporaneous Duration Dependence for High-Frequency Stock Prices." 2010. Finance Research Letters 7: 148-162. (with Ba Chu)

"What Determines the Length of a Typical Canadian Parliamentary Government?" 2009. Canadian Journal of Political Science 42: 881-910. (with J. Stephen Ferris)

"A Distributional Analysis of Treatment Effects in Randomized Experiments." 2008. Economics Bulletin 3: 1-9.

"Estimating Systems of Stochastic Coefficients Regressions When Some of the Observations are Missing." 2002. In Handbook of Applied Econometrics and Statistical Inference, ed. Aman Ullah, Alan T.K. Wan and Anoop Chaturvedi, 491-511. New York: Marcel Dekker. (with Gordon Fisher)

XIAO, Linlan, PhD 2010

"Volatility Modelling and Forecasting in Finance." 2007.  In Forecasting Volatility in the Financial Markets, 3/e., ed. John Knight and Stephen Satchell, 1-46.  Oxford, UK; Burlington, MA: Butterworth-Heinemann. (with Abdurrahman Aydemir)

XU, Dinghai, PhD 2007

"Stochastic Volatility Model under a Discrete Mixture-of-Normal Specification." 2013. Journal of Economics and Finance 37: 216-239. (with John Knight)

"Asymmetric Stochastic Conditional Duration Model: A Mixture-of-Normal Approach." 2011. Journal of Financial Econometrics 11: 469-488. (with John Knight and Tony Wirjanto)

"Continuous Empirical Characteristic Function Estimation of Mixtures of Normal Parameters." 2011. Econometric Reviews 30: 25-50. (with John Knight)

"An Efficient Estimation on Switching Regression Models: A Monte Carlo Study." 2010. Communication in Statistics: Simulation and Computation 39: 1403-1421.

"An Empirical Characteristic Function Approach to VaR under a Mixture-of-Normal Distribution with Time-Varying Volatility." 2010. Journal of Derivatives 18: 39-58. (with Tony Wirjanto)

"Modeling Leverage Effect with Copulas and Realized Volatility." 2008. Finance Research Letters 5: 221-227. (with Cathy Ning and Tony Wirjanto)

YUAN, Yufei, PhD 2009

"Why the Housing Sector Leads the Whole Economy: The Importance of Collateral Constraints and News Shocks."  Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, forthcoming. (with Y. Ren)

"House Price Bubbles in China." 2012. China Economic Review 23: 786-800. (with Y. Ren and C. Xiong)

"Nonparametric Estimation and Testing of Stochastic Discount Factor." 2011. Finance Research Letters 8: 196-205.  (with Y. Fang and Y. Ren)

"Global Financial Structure and Climate Change." 2009. Journal of Financial Transformation 25: 161-168.  (with John Whalley)

ZHANG, Yahong, PhD 2007

"Price-Level Targeting Rules and Financial Shocks: The Case of Canada." 2013. Economic Modelling 30: 941-953. (with Ali Dib and Caterina Mendicino)

"A Search Interpretation of the Family Gap." 2012. Labour Economics 19: 186-197.

"Price-Level versus Inflation Targeting with Financial Market Imperfections."  2010. Canadian Journal of Economics 43: 1087-1471. (with Francisco Covas)

ZHAO, Kai, PhD 2011

"Home Production and the Welfare Cost of Labour Supply Tax Distortions." 2013. Applied Economics Letters 20: 92-95. (with John Whalley)

"Social Security, Differential Fertility, and the Dynamics of the Earnings Distribution." 2011. B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics 11: 1-31.

ZHENG, Bingyong, PhD 2006

"Rewarding Improvements: Optimal Dynamic Contracts with Subjective Evaluation." 2011. RAND Journal of Economics 42: 758-775.

"Moral Hazard, Insurance Claims, and Repeated Insurance Contracts." 2010. Canadian Journal of Economics 43:  967-993. (with Chris Robinson)

"Approximate Efficiency in Repeated Games with Correlated Private Signals." 2008. Games and Economic Behavior 63: 406-416.

ZHOU, Jie, PhD 2007

"Life-cycle Stock Market Participation in Taxable and Tax-deferred Accounts." 2012. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 36: 1814-1829.

"Why Did the Private Business Equity Share Fall in Canada?" 2011. Eastern Economic Journal 37: 197-213.

"The Effects of Employer Matching and Income Risk in 401(k) Plans." 2009. Economic Modelling 26: 1193-1200.

"The Asset Location Puzzle: Taxes Matter." 2009. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 33: 955-969.