Todd Stinebrickner
Ph.D. University of Virginia, 1996

Office: SSC 4038
Telephone: 519-661-2111 Ext. 85293
Fax: 519-661-3666
Research Interests
Education; Labour; Applied Econometrics
Teaching Fields
Education; Labour; Econometrics
Careers and Mismatch for College Graduates: College and Non-College Jobs (with Andrew Agopsowicz, Chris Robinson and Ralph Stinebrickner)
Beauty, Job Tasks, and Wages: A New Conclusion About Employer Taste-Based Discrimination (with Ralph Stinebrickner and Paul Sullivan)
Job Tasks, Time Allocation, and Wages (with Ralph Stinebrickner and Paul Sullivan)
Social Interactions, Mechanisms, and Equilibrium: Evidence from a Model of Study Time and Academic Achievement (with Tim Conley, Nirav Mehta and Ralph Stinebrickner)
A Major in Science? Initial Beliefs and Final Outcomes for College Major and Dropout (with Ralph Stinebrickner)
"Academic Performance and College Dropout: Using Longitudinal Expectations Data to Estimate a Learning Model" (with Ralph Stinebrickner)
Math or Science? Using Longitudinal Expectations Data to Examine the Process of Choosing a College Major (with Ralph Stinebrickner)
Interracial Friendships in College (with Braz Camargo and Ralph Stinebrickner)
Learning About Academic Ability and the College Drop-Out Decision (with Ralph Stinebrickner)
The Effect of Credit Constraints on the College Drop-Out Decision: A Direct Approach Using a New Panel Study (with Ralph Stinebrickner)
The Causal Effect of Studying on Academic Performance (with Ralph Stinebrickner)
Health, Economic Resources and the Work Decisions of Older Men (with John Bound and Timothy Waidmann)
What can be Learned About Peer Effects Using College Roommates? Evidence from New Survey Data and Students from Disadvantaged Backgrounds (with Ralph Stinebrickner)
Do Teachers Really Leave for Higher Paying Jobs in Alternative Occupations? (with Benjamin Scafidi and David L. Sjoquist)