Elizabeth Caucutt
Ph.D. University of Minnesota, 1997

Office: SSC 4043
Telephone: 519-661-2111 Ext. 85235
Fax: 519-661-3666
E-mail: ecaucutt@uwo.ca
Research Interests
Macroeconomics; Family Economics; Human Capital
Teaching Fields
Public finance, Macroeconomics
Representative Publications
“Correlation, Consumption, Confusion, or Constraints: Why do Poor Children Perform so Poorly?”, with Lance Lochner and Youngmin Park in Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 119 (1) 2017: 102-147.
"The Farm, the City, and the Emergence of Social Security," Journal of Economic Growth 18(1): 1-32 (2013), with T. F. Cooley, and N. Guner.
"Africa: Is Aid an Answer?" B. E. Journal of Macroeconomics 8(1) (Advances), Article 32: 1-46 (2008), with K. B. Kumar.
"Education for All. A Welfare-Improving Course for Africa?" Review of Economic Dynamics 10 (2): 294-326 (2007), with K. B. Kumar.
"Does the Progressivity of Income Taxes Matter for Human Capital and Growth?" Journal of Public Economic Theory 8 (1): 95-118 (2006), with S. Imrohoroglu and K. B. Kumar.
"Borrowing Contstraints on Families with Young Children." Innovation in Education. Cleveland: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, 39-48, (2005), with L. Lochner.
"Higher Education Subsidies and Heterogeneity - A Dynamic Analysis," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 27: 1459-1502 (2003), with K. B. Kumar.
"The Timing of Births: A Marriage Market Analysis," Review of Economic Dynamics, 5: 815-855 (2002), with N. Guner and J. Knowles.
"Educational Vouchers When there are Peer Group Effects - Size Matters," International Economic Review, 43: 195-222 (2002).
Selected Papers
“Is Marriage for White People? Incarceration, Unemployment, and the Racial Marriage Divide” (Nezih Guner and Christopher Rauh)
Early and Late Human Capital Investments, Borrowing Constraints, and the Family (with Lance J. Lochner)
Evaluating Explanations for Stagnation (with Krishna B. Kumar)
Education Policies to Revive a Stagnant Economy: The Case of Sub-Saharan Africa (with Krishna B. Kumar)
Does the Progressivity of Taxes Matter for Economic Growth? (with Selahattin İmrohoroğlu and Krishna B. Kumar)
Growth and Welfare Analysis of Tax Progressivity in a Heterogeneous-Agent Model (with Selahattin İmrohoroğlu and Krishna B. Kumar)
The Evolution of the Income Distribution When There are Peer Group Effects